JYMAG - Jig Your Music And Graphics
JYMAG is a program for communicating with mobile phones.
The project's website is available at jymag.sourceforge.io.
The program allows retrieving and sending multimedia and other
objects from and to AT-based phones or devices, like a Sagem mobile phone (tested on Linux with a
"Sagem MY X5-2") and performing other operations.
JYMAG can also be used with other phones and devices (modems) and serve as
a general-purpose serial port terminal or a Java library for programmers.
The program's purpose is to be a Free (as in Freedom) 'My Pictures and Sounds' Sagem
mobile software replacement
for Linux® and not only Linux - it should run on any system, which has
Java® and
the RxTx Java Transmission package from one of the pages:
- works with Sagem myX5-2 (other phones probably also work). Tested on Linux
with a Forever USB cable containing a Prolific PL-2303 chip.
- can download:
- lists of pictures, ringtones, addressbook entries, to-do tasks, events,
animation/videos, alarms and SMS messages
- pictures in JPG (both Sagem and non-Sagem), BMP, GIF, PNG and WBMP formats,
- ringtones in MIDI, AMR and WAV formats, unverified: AIFF, IMY, AAC, MP3
- addressbook entries (vCards)
- to-do tasks
- events (reminders, ...)
- animation/videos in GIF and MNG formats, unverified: WMV, MP4, MPEG
- multiple files (of one type) with a single click
- can upload/update/send:
- pictures in JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG and WBMP formats, unverified: EMS_GR, TIFF, PICT, AI,
- ringtones in MIDI, WAV and AMR formats,
unverified: IMY, ASG1, ASG2, MP3, MFI, AAC, AWB
- addressbook entries (vCards)
- to-do tasks
- events (reminders, ...)
- animation/videos in GIF and MNG formats, unverified: EMS_AN, MJPG, AVI, MP4, MPEG,
3GP, 3GP2, SG1, SG2, SSA
- Java files: unverified: JAR, JAD, JAM
- alarms
- SMS messages
- can delete the following from the phone: pictures, ringtones, addressbook entries,
to-do tasks, events, animation/videos, alarms and SMS messages
- can dial numbers
- written in Java, thus portable - will run under Linux and probably under Windows,
Solaris, ... wherever you can install Java and RxTx
- has a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- can detect which port your phone is connected to (actually, should detect anything that
replies with an OK to an AT command, including modems)
- can detect your phone's type, firmware version (after all the ports are scanned), IMEI number
and subscriber phone number
- allows setting any communication port property (data bits, stop bits, flow control,
speed, parity checking)
- automatically detects downloaded file's type
- automatic reconnection if waiting time has expired
- can be used non-interactively, through a command-line interface (this still
requires RxTx), run with
to get the currently supported command line options
- allows manual command sending
- allows easy translation to other languages
- allows saving and loading the current configuration (port and window settings)
- allows reading the phone's capabilities (types of accepted files)
- is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 "or later"
- can work as a general-purpose serial port terminal
- shows signal power
Program windows:
Additional pages:
Contact info
Contact me: bogdro AT users . sourceforge . net (English accepted, just say '[SOFT]' in the title).
Legal info
Oracle®, Java, and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
LINUX® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
"Sagem" may be a trademark or a registered trademark of Sagem or its
acquirers or descendants.
All other trademarks, logos and names on this page and all subpages are properties
of their respective owners and are given here only as an example.